Monday, May 9, 2011

There Will Be Vegetables!

The garden is growing beautifully, although the recent windy conditions have bent much of the corn and caused many of the pole beans and tomato plants to lay down a bit.  I need to stake the tomato plants with some bamboo I was give to reinforce them until their root structure is more substantial.  I will planting my peppers on Tuesday.  I am super-excited to watch these little lovelies grow.  I will be planting red, orange, and yellow bell peppers in the garden, and cayenne peppers in one of the half wine casks up on the deck outside of the kitchen.  We are trying to get the compost tea project off the ground, but it is proving to be quite a pain in the backside.  Our plants are in need of some nutrients, some food, but we have nothing natural for them.  We are going to attack that project next week.  But for now, the corn, beets, three types of pole beans, carrots, three types of lettuce, and red and gold chard are doing well.  Our cucumbers are struggling as the weather has not been warm enough for them to take off, but I am being patient with them. And all the tomatoes in their containers are taking off and looking fantastic.  Pictures on their way.

Three types of heirloom lettuce
Red and Gold Chard

Three types of heirloom beans climbing their bean poles.

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